How To Care For Your Skin After Your Tattoo Removal Session

Post Treatment Tattoo Removal Care

Do not exercise rigorously for 24hrs post treatment

The aftercare process is really important and it’s all about giving your body a rest. The more your body can prioritize the removal of ink and consequent healing the better. Exercising vigorously can also increase blood flow which doesn’t help blisters.

Avoid exposure to the sun for the treated area

The less you pick and poke at the treated areas the better. It’s common to develop small blisters and scabs after a Zapp session so don’t be alarmed. The more to interrupt the natural healing process of the body the worse off you will be so don’t be tempted.

Keep the treated area clean and dry

Like any fresh tattoo or wound make sure you keep your treated area as clean and dry as possible. The more you can assist the body the better.

Do not pick poke or scratch the treated area

The less you pick and poke at the treated areas the better. It’s common to develop small blisters and scabs after a Zapp session so dont be alarmed. The more to interrupt the natural healing process of the body the worse off you will be so don’t be tempted.

Avoid hot showers for 48 hours after the treatment

The cooler you can keep your skin after treatment the better. We often encourage Zapp patients to apply an ice pack directly afterwards to reduce swelling.  The same goes with hot showers, give them a miss too so that you are not reheating the treaded area.

Apply 1% hydrocortisone cream to the treated area.

While the skin is still fresh from your Zapp session apply an antibacterial cream to the areas once per day for the next 7 days. The more you can do to protect from infection the better.

How to Help Your Body Recover Quickly From Tattoo Removal

The healthier you are, the faster you will heal and the better your removal results will be. We have seen  dramatic differences from who clients who avoid smoking and alcohol  versus those that smoke and drink. The Zapp team will always do their thing in the studio however it’s up to you to make sure your immune system has the best chance to process the ink and repair the skin.

Pay Attention To Diet And Exercise

Drinking plenty of water will improve circulation and ensure that plenty of white blood cells rush to the treated area to help remove the now shattered ink. Staying well hydrated has long been shown to improve skin regeneration as well.

Everyone knows that a nutritious diet will help your overall immune system. The richer your food in vitamins and minerals the faster your removal process will be.

Although we would like to abstain from vigorous exercise in the first few days, regular exercise will also help you maintain a strong and healthy immune system so be sure to get out there and keep up your healthy and positive lifestyle.

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ppointment now

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